
The Taichung Declaration on Modern Direct Democracy

Die Verknüpfung von direkter Demokratie mit Bürgerbeteiligung – z.B. in Form von Bürgerräten – ist eine der Forderungen des 2019 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy in Taichung, Taiwan.

1) We seek systems of referendum and initiative robust enough to transform the world. Modern direct democracy holds the promise of unifying and educating people, countering autocrats, and addressing our planet’s most complicated problems, including inequality and climate change.
2) Direct democracy should not be considered separately from representative democracy. Instead, direct democracy should always be designed to make representative democracy more representative.
3) Direct democracy systems must not exist by themselves, like a lone tree in a desert. They must be surrounded by participatory and democratic infrastructure – such as citizens’ assemblies – that make clear the rules of the process and guarantee that all people can use direct democratic tools and exercise their democratic rights. The goal is to provide resources, space, and media so that direct democracy is easy to understand and to use.

Mehr dazu hier: https://2019globalforum.com/uploads/asset/data/5d9affc61d41c81aad0007b2/Taichung_Declaration.pdf