
Moving Toward the Mainstream – Bürgerhaushalt in Glasgow

Einen Erklärfilm zum Bürgerhaushalt in Glasgow (Schottland) hat der Glasgow City Council veröffentlicht.

Participatory budgeting is a way for people to have a direct say in how public money is spent. Up until now, PB has typically taken the form of a small grants model, where pots of money are voted on and distributed at local events or online. In the film, we see how mainstream PB builds on this by opening up the voting process to larger public body budgets.
(…) Done well, mainstream PB has the potential to reshape public participation in local democracy, ultimately leading to better decisions that meet the needs of local people. Working toward mainstreaming is a challenge because it’s so new in Scotland. There are no experts here other than the people doing the work, so it’s for us to create an approach that works, with the film capturing some of what’s happening right now.

Hier geht es zum Film und zu weiteren Informationen zum schottischen Bürgerhaushalt: