
Bürgerbeteiligung im Westbalkan und der EU

Eine Studie über Bürgerbeteiligung im Westbalkan und der Europäischen Union hat die Kosovar Civil Society Foundation aus Priština (Kosovo) 2011 herausgegeben.

The present paper introduces the theoretical background of citizen participation in relation to the participatory democracy and through presenting its different levels and forms. It provides a short overview of the notable documents on the international and European level which serve as a compass for national legislations.
Most importantly, the paper aims to introduce best practices of citizen participation from different countries in Europe in three regions: the old EU member states, the new EU member states and the Western Balkan countries.
There are numerous forms of citizen participation recognized by the literature and the practice; from general consultation and sending comments to a draft law by e-mail to direct negotiations based on a strategic partnership agreement, from public hearings to CSO led bodies.
However, all of them are based on the right to access information which is the fundamental precondition of the active involvement of citizens. In recognition of this, the paper gives a few examples of the regulation of access to information.
The paper will present several models of citizen participation in legislative processes which is an important part of an overall institutional framework of cooperation, given that law and other general regulations are often the primary instruments of articulation and implementation of public policies.
On the level of active participation, different tools such as councils, compact steering groups and CSO led workshops were identified which provide an organized framework to shape the public policy.
The above forms of participation shall be secured not only on the national but also on the local level hence local governments are able to work more closely with citizens and tackle problems which directly affect their lives.

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