
Direct Democracy Navigator

Die weltweit größte Online-Datenbank für Direkte Demokratie, die mehr als 2.000 Instrumente der Direkten Demokratie in mehr als 100 Ländern auf nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene dokumentiert, ist der Direct Democracy Navigator des Liechtenstein-Instituts, der Schweizerischen Demokratiestiftung und von Democracy International.

The main ambition of the Navigator is to make an important contribution to the democratization of knowledge about power and politics in contemporary democracies. Basic research and expert knowledge on direct democracy are to contribute to the further development of democratic co-determination in a comprehensible and transparent way. Democracy knowledge is provided for with the claim not to conduct science only for science, but to be publicly accessible and comprehensible. With its open access strategy and independent expertise on the topic of direct democracy, the Direct Democracy Navigator addresses actors from civil society and the media. Since 2010, a comprehensive dataset has been compiled with precision and consistency, currently containing over 2,000 legal forms of direct democracy in over 100 states.

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