
Breitere Beteiligung durch Online Citizen Participation

Wie können junge, stark beschäftigte und schweigende Menschen mit Hilfe von Online-Verfahren in Beteiligungsprozesse einbezogen werden? Antworten gibt ein englischsprachiger Text von Pauline Rivière.

As a policy-maker, you are aware that citizen participation is key to building inclusive municipalities. To collect the ideas of your fellow citizens, you know the drill: paper polls, town hall meetings, and even sometimes wandering around the town market on Sunday mornings to fetch your citizens input. But are you sure you have heard everyone’s opinion and ideas? Sorry to bring this to you: you most likely didn’t.
Why do some people not feel the need to share their ideas through the traditional means mentioned above? It may be tricky to figure out, as each have their reasons. Luckily, there are other means to encourage a broader crowd into civic engagement, and adding an online component to your regular Participatory democracy strategy is one of them.

Mehr dazu hier: https://www.citizenlab.co/blog/civic-engagement/3-citizen-profiles-you-may-be-missing-online-citizen-participation/