
Größter Bürgerhaushalt der Welt in New York?

Sofern die Bürger zustimmen, wird es in New York City spätestens 2020 den größte Bürgerhaushalt der USA, wenn nicht der ganzen Welt, geben. In einer Volksabstimmung im November 2018 sind die New Yorker aufgefordert, ein entsprechendes Votum abzugeben. Zugleich soll eine Kommission zur Bürgerbeteiligung im Ortsrecht verankert werden.

NYC’s Charter Reform Commission just decided to include a ballot measure in the November election calling for a new citywide PB process. The measure also includes expanded support from a new Civic Engagement Commission. (…) If voters approve the ballot measure, Mayor de Blasio will launch a major new PB process – the largest in the US, if not the world.

Folgende Fragestellung steht zur Abstimmung:

Question # 2: Civic Engagement Commission
This proposal would amend the City Charter to:
Create a Civic Engagement Commission that would implement, no later than the City Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020, a Citywide participatory budgeting program established by the Mayor to promote participation by City residents in making recommendations for projects in their communities;
Require the Commission to partner with community based organizations and civic leaders, as well as other City agencies, to support and encourage civic engagement efforts;
Require the Commission to establish a program to provide language interpreters at City poll sites, to be implemented for the general election in 2020;
Permit the Mayor to assign relevant powers and duties of certain other City agencies to the Commission;
Provide that the Civic Engagement Commission would have 15 members, with 8 members appointed by the Mayor, 2 members by the City Council Speaker and 1 member by each Borough President; and
Provide for one of the Mayor’s appointees to be Commission Chair and for the Chair to employ and direct Commission staff.

Quelle: https://www.nyccfb.info/nyc-votes/vgwelcome/state-general-2018/ballot-proposals/proposal-2/?languageType=English

Mehr dazu hier: https://www.participatorybudgeting.org/citywide-pb-is-on-the-ballot-in-nyc/