
What I Learned When an Angry Mob Destroyed My Public Meeting

Ein amerikanischer Moderator berichtet darüber, wie ihm eine Bürgerversammlung aus dem Ruder lief, und wie er zukünftig darauf reagiert.

1. We got into the habit of making the rules of conduct at the workshop clear and got the audience to agree to them at the beginning of the session.
2. If people disrespected the agreed-upon rules of conduct steps were taken to restore order – gentle at first and if those didn’t work, increasingly direct. On one occasion a little humor alleviated an outburst.
3. On other occasions we used the wireless voting keypads to ask the audience whether they wished to continue entertaining interruptions or move on with the agenda. Because of the anonymity of the handset voting, the vocal minority was outnumbered by a wide margin.
4. In some situations we reduced the opportunities for disruptive plenary outbursts by organizing table discussions.
