
Canada’s World

Einen Bürgerdialog zur Rolle Kanadas in der Welt führte das Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue von 2007 bis 2010 durch.

Canada’s World is a three-year citizens’ dialogue focused on advancing a new vision for Canada’s role in the world. Canada’s World is not an organization, but a collaborative non-partisan initiative of individuals, academic institutions, foundations and non-government organizations who are active in international programming, research, education and public policy development.
The aim of Canada’s World is to engage Canadians in all provinces and territories in creating a new narrative for Canadian international policy. Unlike traditional policy reviews and consultations led by government, this initiative is funded by individuals, businesses, international organizations and foundations who wish to enhance Canada’s international role and who seek to inspire citizens to articulate and advance a new vision for Canada in the world that:
• builds on Canadian historical experience, values, assets and interests;
• demonstrates a strong understanding of the complexities of international relations;
• acknowledges the multiplicity of actors involved in international policy;
• addresses key global challenges;
• reflects the diversity of Canadian society; and,
• is future-oriented, compelling and effective.

We used traditional means to solicit people’s views – public opinion research, surveys, questionnaires and interviews – and new methods like deliberative dialogues with randomly selected citizens, open forums and interactive workshops. We also used Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, Facebook, YouTube, and online dialogues. Working horizontally through networks of collaborators and through experimentation with different channels we reached over 4,000 Canadians face-to-face and another 100,000 online. Some methods for reaching out to Canadians worked and some fell flat, but with each new attempt we tried to share our lessons and open up our process to scrutiny. In doing so we hoped to model a new approach to policy – one that begins with the assumption that power comes from sharing knowledge, rather than hoarding it.

Quelle: http://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/centre-for-dialogue/Watch-and-Discover/canadas-world/PDFs/Events/Back_on_the_Map.pdf

Mehr dazu hier: http://www.sfu.ca/dialogue/watch-read-discover/canadas-world.html