
Bürgerhaushalte in Russland

Über die Erfahrungen mit Bürgerhaushalten in Russland informiert eine englischsprachige Studie.

The present publication is an overview of Russian experience in the development of initiative budgeting in Russia that implies a totality of practices aimed at citizens’ engagement in the budgeting process. They are based on the general philosophy of citizens’ participation as well as public and municipal regulation of citizens’ participation in the selection of projects fi nanced from the budget and follow-up public control of projects implementation. Disclosed in the given work is the historic background of initiative budgeting in Russia as well as the main practices – the Local Initiatives Support Program of the World Bank and Participatory Budgeting of the European University in St. Petersburg. The authors also describe institutional, public administration, financial-economic and social effects, and propose a roadmap for the development of this area. This publication is part of the joint project “Strengthening Participatory Budgeting in Russia Regions in 2016-2018”, implemented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank. The authors target a wide audience, including federal and local authorities, business representatives, population and expert community.

Download der Studie hier: http://www.buergerhaushalt.org/sites/default/files/WB_ini_budget_A5_eng.pdf