
Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit

Wie sollen die Beziehungen Großbritanniens zur Europäischen Union nach dem Brexit aussehen? Über diese Frage berät im September 2017 eine sogenannte „Citizens’ Assembly“ in Manchester.

The Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit will take place over two weekends in September, bringing people together and broadly representing the electorate of the United Kingdom. The Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit will allow members to engage in detailed, reflective and informed discussions about what the UK’s post-Brexit relations with the European Union should be. The project is led by the Constitution Unit at UCL, supported by a range of partners and funders listed below.
The members, who are selected to reflect the diversity of the UK’s electorate, will spend the weekends learning from a range of experts across the leave/remain spectrum about the different options and trade-offs involved in leaving the EU. The members will be deliberating on and agree on recommendations for what form of Brexit the UK government should pursue.
After the Assembly has met, its recommendations will be written up in a report that will be delivered to government and parliament. This will allow voices of the public to be heard among ministers and MPs. It will also allow politicians to engage effectively with public aspirations and concerns.

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