
LATINNO – Bürgerbeteiligung in Lateinamerika

Welche Formen von Bürgerbeteiligung finden sich in Lateinamerika? Diese Frage beantwortet die Datenbank LATINNO  des Wissenschaftszentrums Berlin.

LATINNO is the first comprehensive and systematic source of data on new forms of citizen participation evolving in Latin America – the so-called democratic innovations. (…) LATINNO is collecting data on democratic innovations evolving in 18 Latin America countries from the years of 1990 to 2016. The data is coded for 43 variables related to the context, institutional design, and impact of each innovation. Along with the quantitative data, qualitative information on each case is also gathered and assessed. This prolifically rich content will be analyzed in policy briefs and academic papers. The LATINNO Dataset will be uploaded to this website upon its launching at an international conference at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center in June 2017.
LATINNO is not just a dataset. It is also a research project with two major aims. The first is to collect original data to substantiate our own academic work and policy analysis. The second is to make new data available to other people, so they can use it for their own purposes. We want to produce information and knowledge on democratic innovations, and also on democracy and citizen participation in Latin America.
The countries covered by LATINNO are: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
The LATINNO Project is coordinated by Thamy Pogrebinschi, at the Department Democracy and Democratization of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. It is currently funded by the Open Society Foundations.

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