
Bürgerhaushalt in Schottland

Über Bürgerhaushalte in Schottland informiert eine Website des „Scottish Community Development Centre“.

Initially developed in Brazil, participatory budgeting (PB) is recognised internationally as a way for local people to have a direct say in how, and where, public funds can be used to address local requirements.
Different PB models exist, although it normally involves members of the community deciding through a voting process how to spend part of the budget of a public agency such as a local authority.
PB is one method which can be used alongside other models of community engagement and empowerment as part of a wider strategic approach to advancing participatory democracy. A participatory democracy is a healthy democracy, in which people have influence over what happens to them, their families and their communities. When people are engaged in community life, they are more likely to experience positive health and life outcomes. Community empowerment and a deepening of participatory democracy are essential in redressing the inequalities that exist within our society.
There is a growing interest within policy and practice in Scotland in PB and in participatory democracy more generally.  In June 2015, Community Empowerment Minister Marco Biagi visited PB projects in Durham and Manchester to find out how they have involved thousands of people in the area. With 20 local authorities now signed up to the concept in Scotland it is an approach that will dramatically develop over the next year.
