
hope for democracy. 25 years of participatory budgeting worldwide

Die Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt hat eine fast 500 Seiten starke Studie über Bürgerhaushalte weltweit veröffentlicht.

This book represents the effort of more than forty authors and many other direct and indirect collaborators that, spread throughout different continents, aim to provide a wide vision of Participatory Budgets around the World.
The pages of this piece are an invitation to a fascinating journey along the paths of democratic innovation in diverse cultural, political, social and administrative contexts. From North America to Asia, Oceania to Europe, Latin America to Africa, the reader will find many reasons to believe that other forms of democracy are possible.
“Hope for Democracy” catches and reflects a state of mind that is searching for new solutions, the constant quest for action and transformation which encompasses the unconformity of many people and organizations from around the world.
The representative democratic system crisis is something that is common to all continents and countries depicted in the book. That being the departure point, the different authors seek to show how Participatory Budgets have been causing changes in the manner of exercising democratic power, in public administration transformation, in building stronger and more organized civil societies, in fighting territorial and social asymmetries.
“Hope for Democracy” is therefore a title, but also a wish and a call for action to all the readers, so that in their families or communities they endeavor to build other forms and more intense and active models of living democracy.

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